Who we are..
We are a small group of Servers within a larger group. We exist to publicize and educate about certain aspects of the New Age Aquarian teaching. In the year 1910 a highly advanced Master of the Wisdom named Canchupati Venkatararao Venkaswamy Rao, or Master CVV as we call Him, received a very powerful
infusion of the energy of Aquarius or the energy of Synthesis.
Shortly after receiving this energy He set about to set up a school for the purpose of educating and initiating those who could receive the energy of Synthesis. This school was called the Yoga Friends School.
In May of 2019 a group gathering, known as May Call, was held around Mt. Shasta, California and the impetus went force to form a school near the Great Holy Mountain in the tradition of the School. Thus, the Yoga Friends School – USA was formed.
Our purpose..
It is our purpose to educate about the central teachings and principles put forth by Master CVV and His disciples Master Kulapati Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master EK) and Master K. Parviathi Kumar (Master KPK). Our subject matter will include: the nature of the Aquarian energy of Synthesis and how to
connect with downpour of this energy; the method for constructing the so-called Etheric Body or the Subtle Body which allows for a Continuity of Consciousness and thus a continuity of memory from one
life to the next; the nature of the one called Sanat Kumara or the Lord of the World who uses both Shamballa and Mt. Shasta and centers for His work.
As our group progresses we will attempt to send forth the Mantrams and Meditations which will allow for contact with the Energy of Synthesis; the great being of the Christ or the Lord Maitreya as He is called in the East; the energies being radiated by The Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara.