How did the Yoga Friends School – USA come to be?
As mentioned in the section “Who Are We,” the USA group grew out of the much older group founded 100 plus years ago in India. More recently Master K. Parvathi Kumar suggested that an American group be founded and that the location around Mt. Shasta, CA. would be ideal. Small group of Master Kumar’s students undertook this task. It is very much a work in progress and we shall see where it will go.
Money and Membership: Are you a membership organization and do you require dues or monies?
No. Our USA group of the Yoga Friends School doe not seek membership, charge dues, or seek monies.
Can I belong to other organizations or do I have to join or pledge myself to the YFS-USA?
You are totally free to stay with or join any organizations that you feel meets your spiritual needs.
Is a long-term commitment needed to be part of the YFS-USA?
In a sense yes. A regular meditation routine is very helpful and even necessary if spiritual progress is to be made. But, such commitment is totally up to the aspirant.