When Master CVV founded his yoga school, he placed an advertisement in a daily newspaper saying that all those who do not want to die should contact him. What He meant by that was the physical body is subject to the natural law of birth and death. No one can live forever (in the physical body), at least not in the sense that one’s physical body lives on forever.
But it is possible to transcend death. In occult circles, death is equated with the death of consciousness. Eternal consciousness means eternal life and the continuity of consciousness which survives death and rebirth . It is the consciousness that also is able to crosses the sleeping-waking-boundary. This kind of consciousness is not dependent on the connection with the physical body. It is the consciousness of the soul, our the true and inner being.
The subject of consciousness is closely related to the subject of death, because there is a consciousness that outlives death of the physical body. This consciousness can grow and be fostered.
“Man, know thyself” is the famous call of the Oracle of Delphi. The Self is the soul, the inner being and is always omniscient and continuously conscious. Since we are the soul, we only have to constantly remember it, i.e. the veils of ignorance and
forgetting must be removed. This process of attaining the “Continuity of Consciousness” usually takes many years or decades and is referred to as the third initiation in the theosophical literature.
This process is about building the inner body, the so-called vital or etheric body or in Sanskrit is called the Antahkarana Sarira, or the golden body, which is an immortal body. This subtle body survives the different incarnations and makes it possible to
remember one’s past incarnations. Only with this consciousness we are able to leave our body willingly and return to another one.
History gives again and again the examples of initiates who show this consciousness even as a child. Some examples are Jesus, who already taught in the temple as a child, or Buddha, Krishna and many others.
Through inner work this can be achieved, through the continuous and ever stronger connection of our everyday consciousness with our inner Self, the Soul, consciousness grows. The development of the continuity of consciousness is the next great evolutionary goal of humanity and of each of the individual human being. This is the central concern of the teachings of Master CVV.
If we invoke Master CVV twice a day at twelve-hour intervals, using His initials – CVV, He comes to our aid and works with us from within. Once we invoke him in this manner, we are instructed to simply observe inwardly for about 15 minutes.
As mentioned, In Theosophical literature, the attainment of continuity of consciousness is also called the third initiation. It is considered to be the first major initiation that connects us consciously with the immortal Soul, our true Self and its consciousness.
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